Mustard Seeds

Mustard Seeds

Mustard seeds are from scientific family of Brassica juncea. These seeds have been known since times immemorial as oil seeds. Plants in mustard family are cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts etc.

Mustard seeds have three colors such as black, white and brown. It grown during winters. Seeds of mustard are devoid of any smell or flavor. When mustard seeds are crushed and mixed with water it has pungent taste. White mustard seeds are less pungent than other color seeds. 

Overview of Mustard Seeds

How to use Mustard Seeds :

  • Mustard seeds are used in cooking in countries such as India, Germany, Mediterranean nations, Pakistan and Bangladesh. The aroma that is present in mustard is due to oil named sinalbin.
  • Mustard is used in the pickling of bitter gourd, raw mangoes. Paste of mustard is used in hot dogs, salad dressings, sandwiches etc. in various parts of the world. 

Health Benefits of Mustard Seeds :

  • Mustard seed contains a enough amount of selenium a nutrient which helps to fight asthma. 
  • These seeds have been used as an anti-microbial agents. This is the reason that they have power to destroy food-borne pathogens.
  • The study done on mustard seeds have found that the compound present in the seeds have the capacity to fight the cancer cells. Other compound found in these seeds name Magnesium is important for ladies menopausal health. Magnesium  helps in lowering the blood pressure and plays an important role in reducing the migraine and it prevents from heart attack. 
  • These seeds are the source of Omega 3 fatty acids.